New NCDC is turned-over to Bayog
Newly constructed National Child Development Center (NCDC) was turned-over to LGU Bayog on July 24, 2018 after the blessing and ceremonial ribbon cutting which was witnessed by municipal officials and LGU department heads together with some DepEd-Bayog personalities. It is located at the municipal government center, just right beside the Rural Health Unit.
NDC, commonly known as Bulilit Center (BC) is a joint flagship project of the Early Childhood Care & Development (ECCD) Council and LGUs particularly the mayors of the municipalities and cities. It is a ground-level venue of the converge implementation of ECCD activities specifically on health, nutrition and most especially early childhood education through the Early Learning Program and Family Support Program.
BCs goal is to introduce best practices of the integrated childhood care development services to 0-4 years old children in the community and serves as a laboratory for conducting research and innovations about ECCD that will promote the continuing education and/or professionalization of ECCD service providers, thus it also acts as a resource center for the community to enhance parenting skills and capabilities.
These centers are equipped with furniture and fixtures, manipulative learning materials, story books and posters, musical instruments, arts and craft materials, hygiene and toilet bath kits and equipment.

Cutting of Ribbon of the new NCDC headed by Hon. Leonardo L. Babasa, Jr., Municipal Mayor, together with the Municipal Officials, Department Heads and representative from the ECCD Council.