The Municipality of Bayog is a political subdivision of Zamboanga del Sur, comprising 28 barangays that served effective mechanism in the development processes. It is headed by a Municipal Mayor and a Municipal Vice Mayor, who now under RA 7160 head the Executive and Legislative Departments respectively.
The Municipal Government under its organizational structure and staffing pattern is composed of 17 departments with respective functions and responsibilities for an effective, efficient, and economic performance in the delivery of public services. As of present, it has 322 personnel in its employ. Of this number, 159 are permanent employees and 5 are coterminous.
Office of the Municipal Mayor
When the Municipality of Bayog was created into a separate and distinct municipality by virtue of Republic Act 4872, the Office of the Municipal Mayor and its Legislative Bodies were mandatory. In the series of enactments and amendments of laws, the position of Municipal Mayor has remained consistent. The Municipal Mayor is the Local Chief Executive of the town and therefore is charged with the general administration and supervision of the operations of the Municipal Government. As Municipal Mayor under current laws is likewise an ex-officio notary public to notarize certain legal documents. As Local Chief Executive, he is charged to synchronize local government functionaries directly and indirectly such that various programs/projects/activities (PPAs) are properly carried out.
The Office of the Municipal Mayor is the central unit for local administrative processes. While the overall administration, supervision and control of municipal affairs rests upon the Municipal Mayor, the greater bulk of the administrative functions are performed by the career officials and the rank-and-file personnel of the different offices. Get to know the Municipal Mayor and his predecessors here.

Office of the Municipal Vice Mayor
Together with the position of the Municipal Mayor upon the creation of the Municipality likewise goes the creation of the position of the Municipal Vice Mayor until the 1972 Martial Law proclamation, however the position was restored during the 1980 Snap Elections.
Before its restoration, the Municipal Vice Mayor was just a mere member of the Municipal Legislative Body, until Republic Act 7160 or the Local Government Code of 1991 where the Municipal Government was divided into two branches - Executive and Legislative, that legally placed the position of the Municipal Vice Mayor as Deputy/Assistant Local Chief Executive, heads the legislative department and presiding officer of the Sangguniang Bayan (Municipal Mayor was the former presiding officer). The Office of the Municipal Vice Mayor is the central unit of legislative processes. Get to know the present and past Municipal Vice Mayors here.

Office of the Sangguniang Bayan
Under the Municipal Government Corporation Act, legislative bodies of the municipalities were then called Municipal Council and members thereof were called Municipal Councilors elected together with the Municipal Mayor and Municipal Vice Mayor. Under the Local Code of 1983 (Batas Pambansa Blg. 337), the Municipal Council was renamed as Sangguniang Bayan whose functions have evolved from simple legislative processes to what is more heftier and comprehensive coverage.
The compensations of then Municipal Councilors and now Sangguniang Bayan Members evolved from nothing to honorarium of Php25.00 per session at a maximum of two sessions per month, then to salaries and other compensations equal to that of Department Heads (Salary Grade 24 for municipalities) upon passage of RA 6758 (Salary Standardization Act of 1990).
Two regular sessions are conducted per month. Special sessions may be conducted pursuant to established rules and regulations of the Municipal Council, however without compensation (in cash or in kind). Get to know the present and past legislators here.

Office of the Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan
Under the Municipal Government Corporation Act until enactment of Batas Pambansa 337 (Local Government Code of 1983), the now position of Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan was then Municipal Secretary charged as Secretary of the Municipal Mayor as the latter was then the Presiding Officer of the Municipal Council (now Sangguniang Bayan). The Office of the Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan is responsible for taking down Minutes during sessions, public hearings, and all records pertaining to the oversight functions of the Sangguniang Bayan. Ramonito E. Matalines runs the office since his appointment on January 1, 2011 to present.

Office of the Municipal Administrator
The Office of the Municipal Administrator performs the duties and responsibilities as prescribed under Section 480 of the Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) of RA 7160. It serves as direct technical, supervisory, and executive aide of the Municipal Mayor in the operations of the Municipal Government, thus giving ample time for the Local Chief Executive to tackle top management works and inter-governmental (national and local) linkages.
The Office is headed by a Municipal Administrator, though not mandatory, however was created under Municipal Ordinance No. 12-181-16 (Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern) of the Municipal Government which took effect on March 16, 2016, to address increasing service demands and as stipulated above. It is a coterminous position with the Municipal Mayor with the rank and salary grade of a department head (SG 24). Mr. Virgilio Q. Zamora, MPA, LPT, is the first and incumbent appointee effective March 16, 2016, who also served as Executive Assistant V (SG 24) to the Municipal Mayor since July 2010.

Office of the Municipal Planning & Development Coordinator
The Office of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (OMPDC) handles inter-office coordination and assistance on plans and programs integration, fiscal plans and policies, and local development council secretarial services to include special project services.
The position of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC) was originally called Municipal Development Coordinator (MDC), a position in the Office of the Municipal Mayor created in 1977. Following guidelines of the Joint Commission on Local Government Personnel Administration (JCLGPA) and Rules and Regulations of BP 337, the Municipal Government was reorganized. The Office was created and the Municipal Development Coordinator (MDC) position was reclassified as Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (MPDC) effective January 1, 1984. Together on concurrent capacity, civil registration function was transferred from the Office of the Municipal Treasurer thus the MPDC performed dual functions as MPDC and Municipal Civil Registrar (MCR). Implementing the Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern effective January 1994, Civil Registration function was detached.
First MDC was Arthur Mascareñas who also served as Sanggunian Bayan Member prior to his appointment. Wilfredo L. Banasing, then Postmaster replaced Mr. Mascariñas in June 1, 1980 upon termination of the latter. Edgar B. Templa, then Secretary to the Sangguniang Bayan was appointed as MPDC effective February 16, 1990 until December 2, 2007 vice Banasing who resigned in March 1988 for running political position. Engr. Jeremias E. Florida was appointed MPDC effective January 7, 2008 vice Edgar B. Templa who was appointed as Municipal Budget Officer effective December 3, 2007. Engr. Florida runs the department since his appointment in 2008 until today.

Office of the Municipal Civil Registrar
Under the Municipal Government Corporation Act, civil registration was among the functions of the Municipal Treasurer until the 1984 reorganization which transferred the function to the Office of the Municipal Planning and Development Coordinator (OMPDC).
The Revised OSSP of the Municipal Government that took effect 1994, created the Office of the Municipal Civil Registrar as a separate department and the MCR position with a rank and salary grade equal to a department head. The Office is responsible for civil registration program development and implementation, document registration and preservation, coordination with the National Statistics Office in education campaign for vital registration, assistance on demographic and statistics preparation and issuance of certified copies of registered documents.
First appointed Municipal Civil Registrar was Wilfredo L. Banasing effective February 9, 1994 until his mandatory retirement on June 1, 2006. Mr. Arsenio B. Cabilin, then Assistant Registration Officer was promoted as Municipal Civil Registrar on December 4, 2006 and runs the office to this date.

Office of the Municipal Budget Officer
The Office of the Municipal Budget Officer assists the Local Chief Executive and other officials in budget preparation and administration. The position of the Municipal Budget Officer was created on November 1979 as rank-and-file position in the Office of the Municipal Mayor. The position was elevated to a rank and salary grade equal to that of a Department Head by virtue of Presidential Proclamation on June 19, 1980.
On January 4, 1980, Virgilio Q. Zamora (now Municipal Administrator) was appointed as Municipal Budget Officer and served as such for 28 years until his optional retirement on March 16, 2007. Edgar B. Templa then MPDC was designated as Municipal Budget Officer on concurrent capacity until his appointment on December 3, 2007, however has resigned his post on June 29, 2010. Melly G. Madamba then Budget Officer I was designated as Municipal Budget Officer on July 2010 and was appointed for the same position on February 14, 2011 and serves until present.
(Note: following EDSA Revolution, MBO Position and Officer were nationalized however only Personal Services were handled by DBM leaving operating and capital outlays to the Municipal Government. RA 7160 returned the position and officer to concerned local governments on July 1993).

Office of the Municipal Accountant
Internal accounting was among the functions of the Municipal Treasurer until the 1994 Municipal Government Reorganization, that created the position of the Municipal Accountant and its Office which provides accounting services and proper checks and balances in the financial operations of the municipal government. However, due to non-availability of Certified Public Accountants, the functions of the Municipal Accountant were carried out on concurrent capacities.
Next-in-Rank personnel were one after the other designated as OIC Municipal Accountant: Miguela B. Arnoco (now Municipal Treasurer) during the administration of then Municipal Mayor Melody L. Belza and Mary Rose A. Elardo, MPA, during Mayor Mary Ann Guerrero's administration. At present, the Office of the Municipal Accountant is headed by Joemar L. Araneta, a Certified Public Accountant who was appointed to the position on August 17, 2010.

Office of the Municipal Treasurer
Under the Municipal Government Corporation Act, the Municipal Treasurer acted as the second officer in command of municipalities, performing the duties of Budget Officer, Assessor, Civil Registrar and Accountant. Following the separation of functions, major duties of the Municipal Treasurer were centered on the collection of revenues, receipts, disbursements, tax education and information, and field inspection of private, commercial and other business establishments. The Office of the Municipal Treasurer is presently headed by Miguela B. Arnoco who was appointed to the position on July 20, 2011. Previous Municipal Treasurers were Victor Turado, Vicente Tomial, Sahal M. Dakula, Virginia G. Funa.

Office of the Municipal Assessor
The functions of Real Property Tax, assessment and appraisal were then among the functions performed by the Municipal Treasurer until LGU Reorganization of 1984 which created the Office of the Municipal Assessor as among the mandatory departments. The Office is responsible for tax mapping, real property evaluation and assessment, real property identification and accounting, field survey for assessment, and assessment of records and reports. The first Municipal Assessor was Melchor I. Retiro and Danilo Tomial as Assistant Municipal Assessor. Both were appointed on February 15, 1980. The Office of the Municipal Assessor is currently headed by Lito A. Babao who was appointed to the position during the LGU Reorganization on March 16, 2016.

Office of the Municipal Health Officer
The Office of the Municipal Health Officer carries out health policies, ordinances and program development and implementation, sanitary inspection, health information and education, health services administration and inter-agency coordination on health policies and programs for both government and non-government organizations. Prior to devolution, health officials personnel assigned in the Municipality of Bayog were under the Department of Health (DOH). Until her retirement, Dr. Amparo Dandal-Romarate served this community as Municipal Health Officer.
By virtue of R.A 7160 (Local Government Act of 1991) health personnel were devolved to the Municipal Government of Bayog on April 1, 1993 with Municipal Health Officer and Nurses positions vacant. The rigodon of assumptions in the Office of the Municipal Health Officer were Doctor-to-the-Barrios, a program of the Department of Health who were respectively designated as MHOs and Nurses devolved and appointed (Jessica P. Radi devolved RN, Hazel Manginsay RN appointed vice Radi; Dr. Elena M. Semella DTTB 1994-1998; Dr. Juan c. Mabutas III DTTB 1998-2000; Dr. Leslie Ibañes, DTTB 2000-2001; Dr. Mary Faith Y Baban, DTTB 2001-2003; and Dr Babie Normita Talip MHO 2003-2006). Dr. Gretchen A. Dubrico currently heads said department to which was appointed Municipal Health Officer upon expiration of her Doctor-to-the Barrios Program (2009-2001).

Office of the Municipal Social Worker & Development Officer
The Office of the Municipal Social Worker and Development Officer is responsible for child development and protection, nutrition services, youth welfare and development, disaster relief assistance, and inter-agency coordination on social welfare and development for both government and non-government organizations. Services for the poor, out-of-school-youth, differently abled and elderly are integrated in this Office.
Just like the health services, social welfare services were devolved to the Municipal Government of Bayog on April 1, 1993, together with Conchita A. Sucaldito then Social Welfare Officer III (SG 18). That upon reorganization in 1994, the position was reclassified as Municipal Social Welfare and Development Officer with a rank and salary grade of a department head. Incumbent Sucaldito, retired on February 1, 2014 and was replaced by Gloria D. Magtortol after serving two years as OIC until her appointment on March 16, 2016.

Office of the Municipal Agriculturist
The position of Municipal Agricultural Officer (MAO) was devolved on April 1, 1993 per RA 7160 with Mrs. Raquel L. Dacles as MAO with five (5) Agricultural Technologist position and personnel from the Department of Agriculture (DA). Municipal Government Reorganization in 1994, reclassified the MAO (SG 20) position as Municipal Agriculturist (SG 24) with a rank and salary grade equal to a department head.
The Office is responsible for agricultural research and evaluation, extension services, information and education on agriculture related services. Upon resignation of then Municipal Agriculturist Raquel L. Dacles on November 1, 2010, Nora M. Paredes, Agriculturist I was designated as OIC Municipal Agriculturist effective 2010 until January 16, 2013 when she was appointed as permanent to the position until today.

Office of the Municipal Engineer
The Office of the Municipal Engineer and the position Municipal Engineer were created under the 1994 Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern (OSSP) whose functions include infrastructure planning and development, construction, repair and maintenance of buildings and structures, motor pool operations, architectural designs, and quality control. Engr. Vicente Montalban, Sr. was the first Municipal Engineer appointed on February 9, 1994 and resigned on January 1, 2010. Engr. Diosalde M. Lumasag is the present Municipal Engineer appointed on July 12, 2010.

Office of the Municipal Government Department Head I (LDRRMO)
It was in October 2012 that the Operations of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management implementing RA 10121 was formally started. Placed under the Office of the Municipal Mayor, designated Abraham P. Capayas, MPA, then Executive Assistant I on concurrent capacity as LDRRMO. The Office of the MDRRMO was finally created into a Department of the Municipal Government of Bayog, where Mr. Capayas was appointed upon implementation of the Revised Organizational Structure and Staffing Pattern effective March 16, 2016.
To date, MDRRMO operations have so far gained initial recognition from among its neighboring Municipalities in the provinces of Zamboanga del Sur, Zamboanga Sibugay, and Zamboanga del Norte, matter that the leadership of this administration aims to improve/increase its facilities and manpower to bolster disaster and calamity operations.

Office of the Municipal Economic and Enterprises Officer
Following the 1994 reorganization, the Revised OSSP of the Municipal Government created the Office of the Municipal Economic and Enterprises Officer as a separate department. With the creation of the office goes the creation of the position of the Municipal Economic and Enterprises Officer, however the incumbent MEEO Pablito A. Matias was appointed to the position 11 years after its inception on March 11, 2005 and still heads the office to this day.
Operations of various economic enterprises and public entrepreneur development in the Municipality rest upon this office which greatly evolved overtime. From market, bus/jeepney terminal, waterworks, slaughterhouse, sand and gravel, gymnasium, and motor pool operations, the Office of the MEEO also ventured and established the Community e Center (CeC) providing ICT services to the general public especially tertiary students.