POKABA RIDGE Remember that destination up the mountain, high school kids during the ’90s used to go to during the weekends in flocks and in groups, making sure kauban jud si crush? 🙂 It had no name during our time. Maybe it had. We just didn’t care what it was. We just referred to it continue reading : PoKaBa Ridge

LGU Bayog benchmarks good practices in Luzon
LGU Bayog benchmarks good practices in Luzon Bayog LGU Officials, department heads and key officials underwent to a 3-day cross learning from March 7-11, 2018 to the Municipalities of Cavinti, and Majayjay, all in Laguna Province and at Villar Foundation, Las Pinas City to benchmark on the good practices in tourism and solid waste management continue reading : LGU Bayog benchmarks good practices in Luzon
Municipal Park and Plaza
MUNICIPAL PARK AND PLAZA The Municipal Park is one of the most beautiful spots you will love to see once you will visit the Municipality of Bayog. It is 5,734 sq.m. located in front of the Municipal Government Center. You will find various species of flowers planted along the sides of the center pathway, neatly continue reading : Municipal Park and Plaza
Glupa Gulian Agro-Tourism Eco Park
GLUPA GULIAN AGRO-TOURISM ECO PARK Glupa Gulian Agro-Tourism Eco Park is the old dumping site of the Municipality now turned into a park located at Barangay Kahayagan. It has an area of 300 hectares and approximately 200 hectares of it is planted with rubber trees, mahogany and coffee. Lushes of plants grow well in this continue reading : Glupa Gulian Agro-Tourism Eco Park
Lamare Twin Falls
LAMARE TWIN FALLS Another stunner hidden beneath the towering mountains of Bayog is this 30-feet falls in Barangay Lamare. There are two possible ways to reach the area. One, you have to take a 2-kilometer river trail involving balancing on rocks and going against rapids. Two, you can take a Pilot Road carved along the continue reading : Lamare Twin Falls